I am offended when a rocket from Gaza is fired into Israel by a Hamas terrorist. I am offended when a homicide bomber blows himself up in a crowded square, along with innocent people, wherever that country may be. I am offended when Muslim terrorists are allowed to flourish in the US while they use our freedoms against us. I am offended that Sharia law is allowed to stand beside British Parliamentary law in equality. Would they do the same for Christian or Jewish courts of law? I am offended that our President calls Islam a peace loving and noble religion. I am offended that I am called a racist bigot because I use the word terrorist when applied to terrorists. A man made disaster is an oil spill not a Muslim gunman shooting up an army base. I am offended that the “so-called” representatives of moderate Islam don’t have a voice that is just as loud as the “so-called” extremists. Where are those moderates any ways? I take offense when people lie to me and try and make my people the problem for the world’s turmoil when we have yet to produce even one Jewish homicide bomber of our own. I am offended and I don’t care who hears it. Not only am I offended, My God has been offended by these aforementioned actions. I do not appreciate that Islam has the right to claim the exclusivity of their belief system in the public arena but I don’t, because of the “Separation of church and state” clause. I am offended when Muslims (not Jews or Christians) use their children as human shields in the battlefield. Where is the world outcry on that issue? I don’t hear much about that topic in the news. I am offended that there are over 1.3 billion (with a b) Muslims in the world and there are only 15 million Jews yet we are blamed as the cause of all worlds’ trouble. I am greatly offended that we can’t have a country the size of New Jersey while all the Muslim countries together comprise a land mass the size of America, 1 third of Canada, Alaska and Hawaii combined.
I make a stand today to say to Muslims everywhere Jehovah is great. See nothing blew up when I said it either. I threatened no one. No terrorism happening here people, just go about your own business. The boats that came to break the blockade were terrorists, not peace activists. I watched the videos. It was pretty clear that the Navy personal were protecting themselves from serious harm and possible death. I am offended by so called “peace activists” attempting to kill my brethren. But in the world we live in that makes no sense. It is about time that we get back to the real world, view the facts and dump all of this foolish devilish perceived offense. This is an excuse to behave like animals. (If you offend me or my God bad enough I am justified to kill you and no one can say anything about it because I might get more offended). Is it just me or can anyone else see the insanity behind this?
Well, let them get as offended as they like, after all I wouldn’t want to hurt their little feelings. It is time to speak the truth and stand up against this Neurosis called Islam. Anyone who loves death to the extent they claim to must be sick. God gave us a desire for life. Life is a gift and only the enemy of our souls wants to steal it away from us.
Because we don’t ask the right questions we get no answers. So, let me ask just a few questions that I have not yet seen presented. Does Israel have the right to examine what enters into its waterways? With all of the arms that have passed into Gaza and delivered into the hands of Hamas, is it not reasonable to think that these ships trying to break the blockade might be carrying weapons? Did the USA have the right to blockade Cuba during the missile crisis? Was it ok to assume that nuclear bombs supplied by Russia into Cuba posed a threat to American security? Did the Navy personal have a right to defend themselves from a brutal attack? Is Israel a sovereign state? As a sovereign state aren't they obligated to protect their citizens from enemies like Hamas that have sworn their total destruction? Read it people, It’s in their charter.
What madness has overtaken the world that they can’t see the intent of Islam is to make us all submit or die. It is in the Koran and has been reiterated by scores of Islamic clerics.
As it says in the Koran chapter (5:33) The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,
(5.51) O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
You need to read the entire chapter in context to see the full meaning. I have and it is not nice. I take offense with these verses.
Until we see Islam for what it is we will continue to fight the wrong war. This is as much a spiritual battle as it is a physical one. We are at war with Islam and they are the ones who declared it. Their goal is one thing, make us submit or die. Wake up America, wake up church, wake up Israel. Fight the right battle. Fight it on your knees in prayer calling down the spirit of death that clings to Islam and their devilish doctrines. The only way we can win this war is when Muslims no longer serve the God of Ishmael but serve the God of Isaac and His Messiah.
Shalom uvracha b'Yeshua Rabbi Henry