Outreach to the April 28-30 Satanic convention in BostonOn the dates of April 28th through the 30th 2023 the Boston Satanic Temple is having what they are calling Satancon. They are boasting that this will be the largest Satanic gathering ever.
As soon as I heard that this was going to take place literally in our backyard I felt the leading of the Lord to immediately contact as many congregations who would join together in an outreach to the people attending this event. I need to emphasize that this is not a protest but an outreach. We had our 1st planning meeting on Jan 5th with a great showing locally from pastors and their congregants. Many pastors have contacted me since then and want to be involved. We need as many as will to come and join in this out reach to Boston on the dates of the convention. But we are not just looking for warm bodies we need people who are called and qualified to preach and witness in a very dark situation. We need prayer warriors who will stay vigilant in prayer. We need Pastors who will help organize and vet their people for spiritual service and many other tasks. We need musicians who understand their calling to lead in praise. We need evangelists, security people and so much more. We have a tentative agenda that is being cleaned up with the details and it will be posted very soon. So please pray about your role in this outreach for the Lord. Ask your pastor to get involved and let's win a victory in Satan's front yard. When filling out the form please tell us where you attend, who your pastor is and briefly about your Life and Walk with the Lord. Our dedicated website is now up and running. So please go and visit www.faithoverfearoutreach.org. Shalom Uvracha b'Yeshua Rabbi Henry |
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