Messianic Passover Celebration
Come celebrate the joy of Passover with Jews and Gentiles
who live in the hope of the Messiah of Israel
Date: April 23, 2011
Time: 5 p.m. — 9 p.m. (approx.)
Where: Knights of Columbus
500 Pleasant Street Canton, MA 02021 781-828-9730
What: A Messianic Seder -
Including a full meal, music, worship, rejoicing!
Cost: Adults— $25.00
Children 7 - 12— $15.00
Ages 6 and under—Free
For More Info Call: Rabbi Henry @
Cell– 508-944-7393 ~ Congregation—781-344-4701
RSVP—With a check no later than April 9th.
Make checks out to: Sha’ar Hashamayim
Foot note: Passover
Send to:
Sha’ar Hashamayim
2 Canton St. Suite A21
Stoughton, MA 02072
Please include a note with names and age category of guests
Limited seating available
Sponsored by: Messianic Congregation
Sha’ar Hashamayim
Shalom uvracha b'Yeshua (Peace and blessings in Yeshua)
-Rabbi Henry