Psalms 137
5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her skill.
6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy.
Israel will never truly be the nation it is supposed to be until it is under the reign of Messiah Yeshua.
Zech 2
10“Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,” declares the LORD.
11“Many nations will join themselves to the LORD in that day and will become My people. Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you.
12“The LORD will possess Judah as His portion in the holy land, and will again choose Jerusalem.
Zech 14
9And the LORD will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one.
This is the ultimate realized truth for Israel. But that does not mean that the Lord has given up the deed to His land to pagans and neither should we.
Zech 2
7“Ho, Zion! Escape, you who are living with the daughter of Babylon.”
8For thus says the LORD of hosts, “After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.
Where in Tenach (Old Testament) is there any precedent to show us that the Lord just gave up His land and abandoned Israel. Even during the captivity there was a remnant that stayed behind until the Lord could restore His people to their place.
35 Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day
And the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night,
Who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar; The LORD of hosts is His name:
36 “If this fixed order departs from before Me,” declares the LORD,
“Then the offspring of Israel also will cease from being a nation before Me forever.”
37 Thus says the LORD, “If the heavens above can be measured
And the foundations of the earth searched out below, then I will also cast off all the offspring of Israel For all that they have done,” declares the LORD.
He avenged His people and land for the abuse that these nations inflicted upon Israel even though Israel was not living fully for the Lord.
Psalms 137
8 O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, how blessed will be the one who repays you With the recompense with which you have repaid us.
9 How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock.
One of the reasons the lord brought judgment upon Israel was because they refused to tear down the high places and drive out all of the pagans from the land i.e. the Philistines and Canaanites. We were commanded by the Lord to drive them out so that their influence would not affect our children. How is this any different than letting the “Palestinians” live in and control any part of the Land of Israel? Islam is a pagan religion and they pollute all that they touch with death. I would go so far as to say that they even, in a sense, sacrifice their children on the alter of Molech as they send them out to be martyrs for their false god.
30“I will drive them out before you little by little, until you become fruitful and take possession of the land.
31“I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you will drive them out before you.
32“You shall make no covenant with them or with their gods.
33“They shall not live in your land, because they will make you sin against Me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you.”
Yet, this is what Israel did then and they continue to do now, as if to say to the world they are sorry that they even exist. It is time for Israel to stop apologizing for its existence. If Israel makes any covenant with the “Palestinians” to give, even, one inch of the Lords land is it not the same as making a covenant with the Canaanites or Philistines?
Living along side of the “Palestinians” in a pseudo peace is not a legitimate excuse for them to occupy the land of Israel. We wouldn’t want to live in a neighbor hood controlled by crooks, prostitutes, drug dealers and pimps doing their nefarious acts under the guise of “If we let them have part of the neighborhood maybe they will leave us alone”. Why would we turn over our communities to people such as these? Do we want our children affected by the influence of their sins?
Islam has never given anything to the world but a system of oppression, war, slavery, death and abuse. They don’t want peace with anyone not even themselves. They want us to submit to Sharia law or else. Sounds like the mafia to me. Don’t take my word for it listen to their prophet and his cronies.
All of these passages are direct quotes from the Quran. They are in reference to the Jews. Feel free to read the entire passage so you can get the context. You can find the Quran online for free.
[5.33] The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,
[5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
[5.60] Say: Shall I inform you of (him who is) worse than this in retribution from Allah? (Worse is he) whom Allah has cursed and brought His wrath upon, and of whom He made apes and swine, and he who served the Shaitan; (Satan) these are worse in place and more erring from the straight path.
[5.63] Why do not the learned men [rabbis] and the doctors of law prohibit them from their speaking of what is sinful and their eating of what is unlawfully acquired? Certainly evil is that which they work.
[5.64] And the Jews say: The hand of Allah is tied up! Their hands shall be shackled and they shall be cursed for what they say.
Sura 9:5
“Then when the Sacred Months have passed, kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and observe the Islamic lifestyle, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Sounds like mercy to me, convert of die. If you convert I will be merciful and not kill you.
These are quotes from representatives of the Palestinian authority. You remember the goons who want to split up Israel so there can be peace.
July 2000
“The Hour [of Resurrection] will not take place until you will fight the Jews and kill them”
Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiyah, member of the Palestinian Sharia [Islamic religious law] Rulings Council, and Rector of Advanced Studies, the Islamic University, PA TV, July 28, 2000
September 2004
“The Hour [of Resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them. The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice!”
Sheikh Ibrahim Mudayris, Head of Association for Memorizing the Quran, PA Ministry of Endowments & Religious Affairs, PA TV, September 10, 2004
January 2005
“…and the rock and the tree will say: Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!”
Dr. Hassan Khater, founder of Al Quds Encyclopedia
PA TV, January 10, 2005
Dr. Mahmoud Mustafa Najem
“Allah described them [Jews] in His Book, characterized by conceit, pride, arrogance, rampage, disloyalty and treachery… deceit and cunning…”
PA TV, November 1, 2002
Sheikh Ibrahim Mudayris
“Every time Muhammad came back from his raids, he would find treachery and betrayal by the Jews of Medina, since treachery and betrayal are two character traits of the Jews’ nature... that their descendants inherited from their ancestors until today."
PA TV, June 4, 2004
Dr. Mahmoud Mustafa Najem
“The Jews are Jews, and we are forbidden to forget their character traits even for a moment, even for a blink of an eye.”
PA TV, December 6, 2002
Academic Authorities
A PA psychologist explains on PA TV that the Jewish infant “nurses hatred”:
Psychologist Khader Abas
“Very important factors influenced the Jewish personality, among them: The religious-legend idea, this is foremost, and children’s upbringing. From the moment the child is born, he nurses hatred against others, nurses seclusion, nurses superiority…”
PA TV, April 14, 2002
Dr. Muhammad Abu Daf
“I truly do not see the state of the Israeli society as a state of confusion, but rather a natural result of an education that was maintained by fundamentalist Jewish upbringing to violence, hostility and racism... The sayings of the leaders of the Hebrew state, and the actions of the soldiers are a natural behavior, acquired by the Jewish upbringing... Thus distorting the figure of the Arabs and Muslims, the Jewish child nurses hatred with [mother’s] milk ... we want a generation that recognizes and understands the structure of the Jewish personality.”
PA TV, October 12, 2003
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Maadi,
“These Jews who angered Allah and whom He cursed through the Prophets...”
PA TV, September 21, 2001
Dr. Mahmoud Mustafa Najem
“Praise unto Allah, Who cursed our enemies; curse upon curse up to Judgment Day. And He has cursed them as well through the words of His prophets and emissaries...”
PA TV, November 1, 2002
Sheikh Ibrahim Mudayris
“Praise Allah, Who cursed the non-believers among the People of the Book...”
PA TV, June 4, 2004
Dr. Mahmoud Mustafa Najem
“... for which Allah transformed them to monkeys and pigs...“
PA TV, November 1, 2002
Dr. Mahmoud Mustafah Najem
“Praise be to Allah, who has cursed [the Jews], the brothers of monkeys and pigs.”
PA TV, December 6, 2002
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Maadi
“We are waging this cruel war with the brothers of the monkeys and pigs, the Jews and the sons of Zion.”
PA TV, September 12, 2004
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Maadi
“For Allah was angry and called them once monkeys, pigs and donkeys…”
PA TV, March 30, 2001
Is this what we are suggesting should happen? Should we give part of the land of Israel to the Islamic Mafiosi in hopes that we can appease them and keep them civil? This sounds like extortion to me.
For the purpose of keeping us in remembrance I would like to give you a list of Promises that the Lord made with Israel alone. I do not hear anything mentioned in the word about the Palestinians, Islam or America for that matter. The Lord made a covenant with Abraham through Isaac and Jacob not Ishmael. The Lord did not give the USA any authority in the decision making process concerning Israel. These are promises made only for the people and nation that the Lord covenanted with and that my friend is Israel.
I will give you the Scriptural addresses and the summary of the verse but you need to look them up and study them to know it yourself first hand.
Mic 4:1-7 In that day the mountain of the Lord will be established.
Is 2:1-4 The mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as chief.
Is 11:11-16 The Lord will recover for the 2nd time the remnant of His people.
Is 35:1-10 The desert will blossom as a rose.
Is 49:22-23 Gentiles will bring your sons in their arms.
Is 43:1-13 I will bring your offspring from the east, west, north and south.
Is 60:10-22 foreigners will rebuild your walls.
Is 62:6-7 He will make Jerusalem a praise in all the earth.
Jer 31:35-36 The descendants of Israel will never cease to be a nation.
Amos 9:7-15 I will bring back my exiled people Israel.
Josh 1:1-6 The boundaries of the land given to Israel.
Zec 8:20-23 Many peoples will come and seek the Lord in Jerusalem.
Zec 10:6-12 I will bring them back, it will be like I never rejected them.
Zec 14:16-21 Gentiles come to Jerusalem each year to celebrate the feast of Booths.
Joe 2:18-27 The Lord will be Zealous for His land.
Joe 3:1-21 The nations will be judged, Israel will be restored.
2Sam 7:22-24 You have established Israel as your people forever.
2Ki 21:1-4 In Jerusalem I will put my name.
Jer 10:14-16 Israel is the tribe of His inheritance.
These are but a few of the many promises for Israel and the people of Israel the descendants of Abraham. The Lord has been faithful to keep Israel from destruction for 3000 years and I am counting on that record as a proof of the Lords ability to keep her today. This is how we are to deal with the, so-called, “Palestinian” issue.
Psalm 122
6Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May they prosper who love you.
7“May peace be within your walls,
And prosperity within your palaces.”
8For the sake of my brothers and my friends,
I will now say, “May peace be within you.”
9For the sake of the house of the LORD our God,
I will seek your good.
Feel free to forward this off to anyone you wish who would benefit from this blog.
Shalom uvracha b’Yeshua
Rabbi Henry